Following the death of our mother Herma Bogdanovich, my brother Peter Bogdanovich and I were informed later in 1979 that all remaining unsold artworks that had been on exhibition in Europe, had been shipped to Momart Fine Art Storage facility in London, England. Bills of Sale were provided to the Bogdanovich family from both the 1978 Gallerie von Abercron (5 sold) and 1979 Aberbach Gallery (London) (8 sold) exhibitions.
I discovered years later that artworks were missing and unaccounted for from this Bogdanovich Legacy Art Collection, upon investigation and comparison of Momart inventories, retrospective catalogs and Bills of Sale. I came to believe that some paintings must have been retained by the Gallerie Von Abercron in 1978 and never shipped to Momart, nor returned to the Bogdanovich family. All 8 artworks are listed in the 1978 von Abercron Catalog. The Gallerie von Abercron was the last known location. Please click on the following to enlarge selected catalog and invitation pages with missing or unaccounted for artworks:
Borislav Bogdanovich von Abercron Catalog 1978 - missing, sold or traded artworks with no remuneration to the Bogdanovich Family:
Scheunen-Stilleben / Barn Still Life c. 1945
Ol/Leinwand, sign u.l. / Oil on Canvas
102 x 123 cm / 40 x 48 inches
Pg 18
26. Selbstportrait im Spiegel mit Rotem Vorhang
Self-portrait in the Mirror with Red Curtain c. 1930
53.5 x 37.7 cm / 21 x 15 inches
Pg 20
29. Akt im Interior mit Gelbem Hut
Nude in Interior with Yellow Hat c. 1930
73 x 51.5 cm / 29 x 20 inches
Pg 23
38. Weiblicher Akt, Seitenansicht
Female Nude, Sideview c. 1930
Aquarell, sign. u.r. / Watercolor
43.5 x 52.5 cm / 17 x 20.5 inches
Pg 21
31. Rue Blondel c. 1933
Mischtechnik, sign u. r.
Mixed media, signed lower right
61 x 47 cm / 24 x 18.5 inches
Pg 28
77. Burleske / Burlesque c. 1933
Mischtechnik / Mixed media
47 x 60 cm / 18.5 x 23.5 inches
Photo - Belgrade Museum of Modern Art Catalog
Rue Blondel and Burleske are the only two Bogdanovich Impressionist style paintings of Paris, 1930's.
Pg 27
50. Der Denker
The Thinker
Bleistiftzeichnung, sign. u.l.
Pencil Drawing
34.5 x 46 cm
13.5 x 18 inches
c. 1930
Pg 28
88. Nackte in Einem Hochlehnigen Stuhl
Naked in a High-backed Chair
Aquarell / Watercolor
54.5 x 43 cm / 21.5 x 17 inches
No Photograph
In search of the missing artworks, I immediately contacted Ms. Ruth Farivar-Mulisch, the owner of the von Abercron gallery since 1982, as it currently states on the website chronicle. I provided her with photographs of 7 of the 8 missing artworks in the original von Abercron catalog. The painting Barn Still Life (Scheunen-Stilleben), 1951 was featured prominently on both the cover of the 1978 Gallerie von Abercron Catalog and on the invitation for the Borislav Bogdanovich Retrospective.
I requested simply that the artworks be returned. I was willing to understand that remuneration from sales or return of the artworks to the family could have somehow been inadvertently neglected. Ms. Farivar-Mulisch replied in writing that old papers and documents of 1978 were not available; and as far as she could remember, she had never seen the missing artworks of my father at the Gallery. She claimed to have checked the von Abercron inventory lists and found no Bogdanovich works listed.
I was surprised and extremely disappointed. It seemed as if these precious artworks were lost and I was very distraught but had no further recourse as I had come to a dead end. Since then, there have been new developments.
Please note:
The current Gallerie von Abercron website now lists the Borislav Bogdanovich 1978 Exhibition catalog under Publications (out of print).
Here is my screenshot of Friday Mar 21 2014:
In 2006, several years after contacting the Gallerie von Abercron, I received an unexpected letter from Munich, Germany from Dipl. Kfm. Hans Kirchlechner. He contacted me with the intention of either getting possible sales referrals or selling to me (the daughter of the artist), Rue Blondel, the painting he had obtained from the Gallerie von Abercron in the early 90's; and possibly also Barn Still Life (Scheunen-Stilleben), hanging in a friend's house. His letter contained a photograph (below) of my late father's artwork (gold leaf frame/mat by my late mother Herma) taken in his back yard; and also on his friend's behalf, a copy of the cover of the Von Abercron Catalog - with Barn Still Life (Scheunen-Stilleben).
I was astounded to learn the whereabouts of at least two of my late father's missing artworks and to receive confirmation that artworks had been retained by the Galerie von Abercron long after 1978, and sold or traded without any notification, paperwork or remuneration paid to the Bogdanovich family. As Mr. K. believed he was the rightful owner of the artwork, I felt that he had contacted me in good faith.
Here is an excerpt from Mr. Kirchlechner's letter:
"...We send you a copy of the cover of the catalogue of the Galerie von Abercron with a fine painting...a large one, in oil on canvas, 102 x 123 cm. signed below left, titled 'Scheunen Stilleben' ca. 1945, framed....view through a window into a river-landscape. Especially interesting the sunflowers in the style of van Gogh. It is hanging in the house of a friend of us in Munich. By the way this painting is available too ('maybe and it depends')..."
"...Very fresh and rich coloured painted in 'Mischtechnik' on paper, 61 x 47 cm, with a good frame, signed 'Bogdanovic' below right. The picture is represented in colour in the catalogue Borislav Bogdanovic Retrospective 1978 by the well known Galerie von Abercron, Munich, page 21, Nr. 31, titled 'Rue Blondel' (Paris). We acquired the painting in the early nineties from Galerie von Abercron. Mrs. von Abercron told us, this painting was over a lot of years hanging in the private office of Mr. Wilko von Abercron, who died in the late eighties...."
After an email exchange, I called Mr. K. on July 31, 2006 and told him I had been compiling information for a comprehensive catalog raisonne about my father's life work. This would include photos, provenance, biographical information, and anything else pertinent to my father's history. He said he got his painting from Mrs. von Abercron during the 90's; his friend bought "Scheunen Stilleben" (Barn Still Life), and both paintings hung prominently in Mr. von Abercron's main office for years. I said that I would very much appreciate any information or documentation about the painting sold or traded to him (“Rue Blondel”) and the one sold to his friend (“Scheunen Stilleben”). In particular, I asked him how much money had been exchanged for the artworks. Mr. K. did not remember the details and said he would send written documentation re the sale and trade as soon as he was able to speak with the owner of the gallery who was then on vacation.
After three months passed with no word, I again contacted Mr. K. and he replied by email that both he and his friend had decided to keep the artworks and were no longer available. Please click:
I replied and requested of Mr. K. to please alert me when and if he or his friend were again interested in selling the artworks; and to please be so kind as to provide me with any documentation re the artworks, as he had said he would do.
No reply.
In 2008, I discovered that Barn Still Life (Scheunen-Stilleben) was being offered for sale on the Badum online gallery, price on request. The site was run by Beate Badum. I attempted to contact both Beate Badum and Mr. K but was unsuccessful and never received replies from either party. Shortly thereafter the Badum Gallery was not online anymore.
The contact information for Beate Badum is no longer accurate and the website ( now directs to a truck service, heavy duty recovery and oil slick removal company.
Galerie von Abercron Bill of Sale for 5 paintings from retrospective exhibition 1978
There is also mention in a letter dated July 14, 1979 that there was another sale of one unspecified painting; this is in addition to the 5 artworks listed on the December 15, 1978 Bill of Sale that was provided to the family along with accounting and remuneration after expenses.
Due to our mother's illness and untimely death on March 24, 1979, handwritten letters from Michael Peppiatt to the family were inadvertently misplaced and never discovered, opened and read until recent years. This correspondence provides further proof that an unspecified number of paintings had remained on consignment at the Gallerie von Abercron in 1978.
The drawing of the reclining nude in the Galerie Burdeke poster is missing and unaccounted for. The drawing may have been sold but we have no paperwork indicating a sale.
DISCLAIMER: Several or all of the following artworks may have been gifted to the estates of Cary Grant, Jimmy Stewart, and other individuals. They have been missing and unaccounted for from the US inventory since 1991. The original numbers were assigned by Herma Bogdanovich and may be marked on the back of the artworks. Please contact Anna Bogdanovich at with any information.
Five Peaches with Blue Basket and Green Bottle (#96) oil on panel 1956 17 1/2 x 15 inches
French Bread, Basket w Fruit, Carafe (#100) oil on panel 1959 24 x 19 inches
Steak on White Plate (#25) oil on panel 1958/59 19 x 24 inches
Portrait of Herma Bogdanovich with Earring in Green Dress (#174) oil on canvas 1959 12 x 9 inches
Bust with Green Headband and Red Sash (#394) oil on canvas 15 x 11 inches
The following artworks were stolen from a Marina del Rey storage facility in the late 1980's. The robbery had been an "inside job". The thieves were located with other stolen items in their vehicle that were returned to me, but they had already disposed of items. A store on Abbot Kinney Blvd (that no longer exists) had many of the items prominently displayed in their front window that I recovered back into my possession. Unfortunately, the following artworks are missing:
Portrait of Francesca Kress 1959
unframed oil 14 1/2 x 11 1/4 inches
Portrait of Karel Hoffmeister 1931
Rare Framed Drawing 6 x 6 inches
Borislav Bogdanovich studied music with President Karel Hoffmeister, Prague Conservatory, Prague, Czechoslovakia
Any errors or inaccuracies found above are unintentional and will be revised accordingly when we are provided with written evidence such as bills of sale and proof of remuneration to the Bogdanovich Family.
- We believe that any persons who were sold or traded Borislav Bogdanovich Artworks, acquired them in good faith, without questioning the legitimacy of the transaction.
- The current and prior owner of the gallery (or galleries) who sold or traded these artworks may have been unaware that the artworks were still consigned and not owned by the gallery.
If an individual has a gifted Borislav Bogdanovich artwork in their possession, we would appreciate a photo of the artwork; along with a written statement containing details pertaining to the gift, including year, location and any other pertinent information.
Any information provided regarding the whereabouts of the Borislav Bogdanovich Legacy artworks described above is greatly appreciated so that provenance, catalog raisonee and records are accurate. Thank you for your assistance.
Please contact Anna Bogdanovich at