American Jewish University is a thriving center of Jewish resources and talent built upon the mission of Jewish Learning, Culture, Ethics, Leadership and Peoplehood.
There was an overflow turnout for the reception of TREASURING TREASURES at the Platt and Borstein Galleries at AJU. Peter Frank, art critic, curator and contributor to the Huffington Post spoke about Legacy Art as did all four daughters representing their late parent's art collections.
I also recited several stanzas from the poem I wrote for my father Painted with Love.
Anna Bogdanovich and Peter Frank
Jason Klassi, Anna B, Carla Stockton, Peter Bogdanovich, Rene Gandolfi
Shelley Gazin, Anna B, Leslie Plimpton and Joseph Sohm
Baila Romm and Anna
All Content © 2014 - 2024 Anna Bogdanovich
and The Bogdanovich Collection
My cousins Carla Stockton and Dr. Rene Gandolfi flew in for the day...
...and other long-time friends also attended.